Empowering women for a brighter future

Supporting education, healthcare, fair wages...

As we strive to empower women migrant workers, we recognize their immense contribution to the global economy and ensure their rights and dignity are upheld. It involves creating equitable work environments, offering fair wages, and providing access to health care, education and legal support. By fostering an inclusive society that values diversity and respects the rights of all workers, we can build stronger communities as well as economies. Empowering migrant workers is not just an act of justice; it’s a testament to our collective humanity and a step towards a more equitable world for you and I… for everyone.

About Us

Who are the Campesinas Unidas?

Educating the community

Hazardous Products: Mercury in Soaps and Creams

Support for Communities

Education is a key factor in our everyday lives.

Upcoming Events


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

